Busy, busy, busy! Launching a new piece of software really pushes the schedule-book to the max. And things get even more complicated when the software has to run multiple ways: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari... browsers all have their own idiosyncrasies. Our job is to make it happen, and that's what we're doing.
Currently, we're working on the registration process for TotalSnap. A major stumbling block for most people when trying to put together a website is all of the tech-stuff that comes with it.
What's your domain name going to be?
What's your TLD? (Top-level directory. A fancy way of saying the '.com' bit)
Do you have a webmail already?
And so on...
The forms we're developing are designed to make this process as painless as we can make it. You'll still have to think up your own domain for TotalSnap, but the whole package includes all of these costs. Plus, the registration page is usually where most people say "forget this." When I see 'Step One of Twenty-Four' on some registration pages, I look at my watch, then usually click away. That's not what TotalSnap is going to be about. In line with our "DeGeek the Web" motto, we're trying to design our forms so that getting TotalSnap is easy and, above all, quick.
It's supposed to be a snap, right?